Benny Anderson Benny Anderson

What camera should you buy first?

Now I started with a Canon M50 and it’s a fantastic camera, other camera brands also have fantastic equivalents but the main reason I recommend the Sony A6400 is based on a few factors, reliability, technology, cost and the ability to grow with the Sony ecosystem.

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Benny Anderson Benny Anderson

Why hiring a professional photographer is so important.

A lot of clients go through “first times” very rarely. Your engagement party, your child’s first birthday, your wedding, a proposal. For a photographer it isn’t our first rodeo, we understand how they work by experiencing everybody’s first time, all the time. We understand how chaotic and disorganized an event can get!

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Benny Anderson Benny Anderson

My go-to Canon R6 settings for Street Photography.

I will talk about what exposure triangle settings I use (shutter speed, aperture and ISO) and other settings like autofocus or burst modes. These can apply to many other genres of photography including event photography and isn’t particularly specific to the Canon EOS R6.

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